Preparations for the Campaign “Tools for Kiambogo Families” in Full Swing

Tools Fertig

Everything is just about ready for this year’s project “Tools for Kiambogo families”, a campaign meant to benefit the families of the children we sponsor in Kenya.

In December 2015 we invited all of our Run2gether sponsors and friends to contribute to this project, which will furnish each family with one kitchen pot and one garden hoe.

Over 100 individuals, families, and groups took part. With the funds we raised, we were able to specially order an amazing 450 pots and 300 hoes! Thank you so much for your overwhelming support!!

The production and delivery of the items is now complete. We will thus be presenting the tools to the families in Kiambogo just as planned in the upcoming week.
We are currently working on getting together surprise packages for all 125 sponsored children and are also preparing a giant village festival for all the children and their families.

Naturally, we’ll be telling you right here all about the festival and our “Tools for Kiambogo Families” presentation – so stay tuned!

Thomas Kratky & Your Run2gether Team

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