2015.09.13 Wachau Marathon Zielstadion 09

Wachau Half Marathon 2015 – Recap

One week after the exceptional first-place finishes by both Viola JELAGT and Benard BETT at the Wachau Half Marathon on September 13, 2015, we'd like to look back at the wonderful event where over 50 Run2Gether runners and partners participated. While…

Leben und trainieren mit kenianischen Läufern – Ein Bericht von Laufgast Bettina

Es ist 6:30 Uhr. Draußen ist es kalt und nass. Ein Morning Run steht auf dem Programm. Zuhause laufe ich nie vor dem Frühstück. Hier bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig. Das Frühstück wird danach um so besser schmecken, versuche ich, mich…
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Looking into the future optimistically

Only a few weeks ago we reported on the treatment of Geoffrey Gikuni NDUNGU's calcaneal tendon in Switzerland (read more about it here). Several weeks have passed since then, during which Geoffrey has been in intensive, nearly daily treatment…
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Personal bests and good pacing!

Viola and Benard showed strong performances in todays Prague Halfmarathon. Passing 10k in 28.04 a huge number of athletes was focusing excellent times. In the end fromer run2getehr athlet Daniel Wanjiru won in pb of 59.51. Even benard was…
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Prague, Bratislava, Milano! 3,2,1,….go!

11 run2gether athletes will try their best to represent our team in 3 halfmarathon-competitions coming weekend! Prague: Saturday at 12am Viola, Benard and Robert will start to challenge the world's best. Focusing new worldrecords or "at…
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Czech version of r2g website online

KonečnÄ› jsou naÅ¡e webové stránky run2gether k dispozici i v českém jazyce a jsme rádi, že nyní i naÅ¡i přátelé run2gether hovořící česky, mohou získat vÅ¡echny informace o naÅ¡ich…